Divorce is a complex process that many people do not know how to navigate. The main reason behind that is because a lot of things come into divorce, such as determining child custody, the separation of marital assets, etc. The courts will look into all facts and circumstances in order to make the big decisions about your relationship with your ex partner.
Because the divorce process is so complex and oftentimes complicated, the case can be considered as sensitive. That means that one small action could be crucial in determining the outcome of your case. But since it’s also an emotional phase for the parties, they end up making mistakes that can cost them big!
Are you making critical mistakes during your divorce? Here are some of the top mistakes people make and how to avoid them.
- Letting negative emotions dictate their strategy
Divorce cases must be entered into with a strategy. You need to understand your case and know your own strengths and weaknesses. The right mindset is always essential. We know this is an emotional time for you, but don’t allow that emotion to affect your strategies. Never impulsively decide based on emotions and don’t be driven by anger, resentment, and frustration.
You want to stay purpose-driven, strategic, and mindful during your case. Set your emotions aside when it’s time to make critical decisions. Only then will you be able to work towards a successful outcome.
- Not engaging in the discovery process
The discovery process is when each party’s financial records get disclosed. It may be harsh to hear this, but during a divorce, you cannot completely trust your partner to disclose the true value of their assets and income. It is in their best interest to minimize their financials in hopes of lessening their expenses in maintenance and child support.
So you need to be very participative in the discovery process. Make it your duty to determine if the courts are receiving the right information. Be diligent because this is going to affect your finances as well.
- Not disclosing mental health or dependency issues
A lot of people tend to hide mental health or dependency issues during a divorce case. They do this because they don’t want to show their weaknesses, thinking that it may sabotage their chances of getting favorable results. Many parents fear that this will cause them to lose custody of their children.
But actually, it may be beneficial for you to disclose mental health or dependency issues to the court. Judges make decisions based on the hard facts, but they appreciate honesty and authenticity. You voicing out early on about your mental health can show that you’re taking accountability and working towards conquering your weaknesses. This perception matters especially during child custody proceedings.
- Being too late in hiring an attorney
Ideally, you should hire an attorney at the very beginning — before your divorce case starts. Remember that divorce proceedings are very complex and complicated. Trying to navigate it alone can cause problems and mistakes that you can’t take back.
You’re hiring an attorney so that they can give you the right strategy for your specific case. If you hire them halfway through the case, chances are, there are already broken pieces, and they will just be finding ways to fix what’s already been done. But if you hire an attorney early on, you can approach your divorce case wisely and strategically with professional advice and guidance.
Because of the complex and sensitive nature of divorce cases, it’s easy to wreck the results through one simple action. Your best bet is to hire an attorney who can guide you through it. Watch out for these common mistakes and make sure you don’t commit them.