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What to Expect During an Initial Consultation

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Because the laws of the land govern us, certain actions will have legal consequences. Should you ever find yourself in entanglement with the law, you are STRONGLY encouraged to seek the help of an attorney. Having a lawyer by your side will help you better navigate and understand your case, and will ultimately, improve your outcome. 

Should you need a lawyer, the first thing you do is to seek an initial consultation. This is your chance to get to know a firm and determine if they are the best fit for your legal needs. Let me tell you what happens in an initial consultation, so you have an idea of what to expect. 

What is an initial consultation?

An initial consultation is the first time that you are able to speak one-on-one with an attorney. Both you and the attorney have a chance here to learn about each other. The lawyer will learn about the details of your case while you learn about the lawyer and the firm. You want to make sure you are hiring not only an attorney you are comfortable with, but a firm that has a good track record of success. 

It is also the first chance that the firm and the lawyers will hear about your case in order to gather more information about you and the legal matters you are entangled in. So this is their opportunity to ask about the facts, what your goals are, your purpose for initiating litigation, etc. Anything discussed in the initial consultation will be covered by attorney-client privilege, so you don’t need to worry about the lawyer turning around and sharing your information if you don’t hire them.  

What is the attorney-client privilege?

The attorney-client privilege refers to the lawyer’s duty to keep information that you disclose to them confidential. With this, you can rest assured that everything you discuss during your initial consultation is only between you and your attorney.

The presence of the attorney-client privilege also denotes that the time you spend in your initial consultation is valuable. That’s why law firms usually offer paid consultations. It is more than a simple introduction. It actually involves the lawyer digging deep into the case and understanding everything to get a clear view of the strategies that can be undertaken. Your lawyer would advise you on what you should do and how they can help you. 

Your Duty

After the lawyer has discussed the steps and processes that have to be taken to help your case, it is your duty now to determine whether or not it is in your best interest to work with this particular firm. This is ultimately your goal during the initial consultation: to find out if you are fit to work with this lawyer. 

So you should conduct due diligence in determining whether or not the lawyer can help you, what their strengths and weaknesses are, etc. It is advisable that you prepare a list of questions to ask your lawyer to determine their competency with regards to your case. But don’t forget to listen, because a good lawyer will not only be able to answer your questions, they should be able to provide you with a clear and bigger picture of what they envision for your case. In the end, you should be able to fully understand the legal matters you are facing because of the ability of the lawyer to communicate it properly to you. 

Things to Consider When Hiring a Lawyer

The number one trait that your lawyer should have is the ability to communicate. Legal matters are very complex and confusing. It’s very easy to misunderstand things. Your lawyer should be able to talk about your case in terms you will understand. That is why you consulted them after all — to get professional advice and discretion. 

Further, your lawyer should have a genuine desire to help. They should be dedicated to ensuring that you get the best outcome possible. They should be brutally honest to you, while giving you immense support at the same time. 

At the end of the day, the choice of who you should acquire as your legal counsel is yous. And it would help if you were making the extra effort to choose the right one with whom you can be confident working. 

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